EPCA - Gazete Şanlıurfa

Gazete Şanlıurfa


Tacikistan ile AB arasındaki EPCA müzakerelerinin ikinci turu Brüksel’de yapıldı Tacikistan ile AB arasındaki EPCA müzakerelerinin ikinci turu Brüksel’de yapıldı

  The second round of EPCA negotiations between Tajikistan and the EU hоld in Brussels https://t.co/cwpHZo6hLw pic.twitter.com/Sx0JvBMQ9x — MFA Tajiki...

The second round of EPCA negotiations between Tajikistan and the EU hоld in Brussels The second round of EPCA negotiations between Tajikistan and the EU hоld in Brussels

  The second round of EPCA negotiations between Tajikistan and the EU hоld in Brussels https://t.co/cwpHZo6hLw pic.twitter.com/Sx0JvBMQ9x — MFA Tajiki...